UBNC is the place where #UMATTER
When we say #Umatter, we mean serving the needs in our community and around the globe. Over the past year we have invested over $100K to support projects like building water wells in Haiti, supplying face mask to our local schools, and serving our homeless population.

Annual Fund and Faith Promise
UCOM Mission is: Stabilizing families in crisis, providing food security for the hungry, and empowering the community to meet neighbors’ needs.
Visit WebsiteREthreaded
Rethreaded exists to renew hope, reignite dreams and release potential for survivors of human trafficking through business.
Visit WebsiteCity Rescue Mission Jax
CRM exists to transform the lives of the homeless and needy, serving them through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
Visit Website#UMATTER Global
NMI International
UBNC Partners with Nazarene Mission International to impact the world by spreading the gospel of Jesus.
Visit Web SiteJESUS Film
This full-length feature tells the story of Jesus and God's plan to redeem mankind to himself. The film is based on the Gospel of Luke, and has been translated into more than 1,600 languages and shown in virtually every country.
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